
Sunday 21 January 2018

Thou bounteous Giver of the light - St. Hilary

Thou bounteous Giver of the light,
All-glorious, in whose light serene,
Now that the night has pass'd away.
The day pours back her sunny sheen,

Thou art the world's true Morning Star,
Not that which on the edge of night.
Faint herald of a little orb,
Shined with a dim and narrow light;

Far brighter than our earthly sun,
Thyself at once the Light and Day,
The inmost chambers of the heart
Illumining with heavenly ray.

Thou Radiance of the Father's light
Draw near, Creator Thou of all;
The fears of whose removed grace
Our hearts with direst dread appal.

And may Thy Spirit fill our souls,
That in the needs of common time,
In converse with our fellow men.
We may be free from every crime.

Be every evil lust repell'd
By guard of inward purity,
That the pure body evermore
The Spirit's holy shrine may be.

These are our votive offerings,
This hope inspires us as we pray.
That this our holy matin light
May guide us through the busy day.

St. Hilary (310 - c. 367) France
Translated by Elizabeth R. Charles
Source: Great hymns of the middle ages, compiled by Eveline Warner Brainerd, The Century co., 1909

1 comment:

  1. Fine to find this appreciation of Jesus, the light of the world!


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