
Monday 15 January 2018

Broken Pines - Rainis

The towering pines near sea shore sands
The wind has broken with ruthless hands
They see the bright future they long to defend
Refusing concealment and scorning to bend:

"Although you have broken us, tyrant power
The fight is not done in this dying hour
Our very last moan hurls a challenge to fate
Each bough hissing at you, incessant in hate."

The towering pines after breaking
Will come up from the deep
Like great ships and still
Against all storms thrust a fearless breast
Against all storms ever onward they press;

"Now hurl on your billows you dark storm pride
We'll yet win the future where happiness bides
For split us you may and break us you might
But we'll win the future where dawn blazes bright!"

Rainis (full name Jānis Pliekšāns) (1865-1929) Latvia
Translated by Russian group S.C.A.L.P. as their song "Broken Pines" on the album Tears and Blood (2004)
Source: LyricWiki

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