
Sunday 26 November 2017

Rising at midnight - Gregory the Great

Rising at midnight, one and all awaking,
Chant we in ceaseless round our matins sweet,
And to the Lord, melodious music making.
In tuneful quire our twilight hymns repeat.

So to our gracious King in concert singing,
We with His saints may all our powers employ,
E'en to Heaven's palace-court our spirits winging,
Till they be tun'd to taste that endless joy.

Be this by Thy thrice-holy Godhead granted.
Father, and Son, and Spirit, ever blest.
Whose glory by the firmament is chanted,
Whose name by all the universe confest.

Gregory the Great (c. 540 – 604) Italy
Translated by William J. Copeland
Source: Great hymns of the middle ages, compiled by Eveline Warner Brainerd, The Century co., 1909

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