
Sunday 27 August 2017

Curb for stubborn steed - St. Clement of Alexandria

Curb for stubborn steed,
Making its will give heed;
Wing that directest right,
The wild bird's wandering flight;
Helm for the ships that keep
Their pathway o'er the deep;
Shepherd of sheep that own
Their Master on the throne,
Stir up thy children meek
With guileless lips to speak.
In hymn and song, thy praise,
Guide of their infant ways.
O King of saints, O Lord,
Mighty, all-conquering Word;
Son of the highest God
Wielding his wisdom's rod;
Our stay when cares annoy.
Giver of endless joy;
Of all our mortal race
Saviour, of boundless grace,
          O Jesus, hear!

Shepherd and Sower, thou,
Now helm, and bridle now,
Wing for the heavenward flight
Of flocks all pure and bright,
Fisher of men, the blest,
Out of the world's unrest.
Out of Sin's troubled sea
Taking us, Lord, to thee ;
Out of the waves of strife
With bait of blissful life,
With choicest fish, good store,
Drawing thy nets to shore.
Lead us, O shepherd true.
Thy mystic sheep, we sue,
Lead us, O holy Lord,
Who from thy sons dost ward
With all-prevailing charm,
Peril, curse and harm;
O path where Christ has trod,
O way that leads to God,
O Word abiding aye,
O endless Light on high,
Mercy's fresh-springing flood,
Worker of all things good,
O glorious Life of all,
That on their Maker call.
            Christ Jesus, hear!

O Milk of Heaven, that prest
From full, overflowing breast
Of her, the mystic bride,
Thy wisdom hath supplied;
Thine infant children seek
With baby lips all weak,
Filled with the Spirit's dew
From that dear bosom true,
Thy praises pure to sing,
Hymns meet for thee, our King,
For Thee, the Christ;
Our holy tribute, this,
For wisdom, life and bliss,
Singing in chorus meet,
Singing in concert sweet
The Almighty Son.
We, heirs of peace unpriced,
We, who are born in Christ,
A people pure from stain,
Praise we our God again,
          Lord of our Peace!

Titus Flavius Clemens known as St. Clement of Alexandria (150 - 215)  Greece
Translated by E. H. Plumptre
Source: World's great religious poetry by Caroline Miles Hill, Macmillan, 1923

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