
Thursday 22 June 2017

I had a dream one sultry summer’s night - Martin Kloess

I had a dream one sultry summer’s night
The stardust cast a trail to light my way
A gentle stream was there to guide my flight
To place some purpose to meaning of day

And there far beyond all purpose for time
Awoke a freedom which laid dormant for a while
A whisper of how possibilities can be
Beyond the limits
Of imprisoned souls
Who had fallen by the wayside
Crying “Don’t leave me here”

Far beyond all purpose for music to dance
Or any limits on creation
We are the music
We are the smile on other dreamers’ faces
The reason for warm embraces
We are an extension of The Light
Crying “Don’t leave me here”

And there far beyond we fly
Marveling at the all we made possible
Listening to voices
Who have glided to a wayside
To drink the waters of a stream
Of something we mislaid amid our day
It’s just a dream I heard somebody say

On the following day I saw my love
We sat mid our stardust our cares to dismiss
I wanted to share what I had dreamed of
As she closed her eyes preparing to kiss

And there far beyond all purpose for time

Martin Kloess (20th century) USA
Source: HubPages


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