
Wednesday 15 February 2017

Fatherland - Alykul Osmonov

Dress warmer, the road with ice and snow is spread
The winter's severe, the blizzard howls at hand
Your ice chill I take upon my own head
By the road I will wait, stop awhile, my Fatherland!

The nights are bad, may misfortune your road not tread!
That is cruel, if coming, you rain your steed to a stand
Your sorrow and grief I take upon my own head
Your tracks I will seek, stop awhile, my Fatherland!

The spring is unusual, do not catch a cold, lie abed
Not long grey clouds hold back, by storm winds fanned;
Your ills and sickness I take upon my own head
Do not be sick, better that I fall sick, my Fatherland!

Alykul Osmonov (1915 - 1950) Kyrgyzstan
Source: Wikipedia


  1. thank you for the find

  2. omg this is so good! such a good translation of a kyrgyz poem! thank you!

  3. In kyrgyz language.
    Make it available.

    1. I'm afraid I don't know if this is available online in Kyrgyz. My own site only has poems in English (original language plus translations), I'm afraid.

  4. Жылуу кийин, жолуң кыйын үшүрсүң,
    Кыш да катуу... бороон улуп, кар уруп...
    Суугуңду өз мойнума алайын,
    Жол карайын, токтой турчу, Ата-Журт!

    Түндөр жаман... кырсык салып кетпесин,
    Наалат келип ат тизгинин шарт буруп...
    Азабыңды өз мойнума алайын,
    Из карайын, токтой турчу, Ата-Журт!

    Жазда башка... Жел тийбесин абайла,
    Көпкө турбас, мобул турган сур булут.
    Бүт дартыңды өз мойнума алайын,
    Сен ооруба, мен ооруюн, Ата-Журт!


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