
Wednesday 23 November 2016

The Weeping Lady of Kinshasa - Don Too Heng Onn

Have You By Chance Spied From Far
The Weeping Lady of Kinshasa
Each Time I Pass Her By
The Inside of Me Cry

Her Pains And Sorrows In Anguish Bared
Anger Engendered, Bolder, Closer, I Stare
Yes, I Am Overwhelmed And Enthralled
Visions of Indelible Horrors Endured

Constant Sentinel At Court Houses
As If To Vent Relentless Grouses
But Courts of Lords Have No Answers
A Nation Wrecked By War-Mongers

Her Vigil Reminding One And All
Her Years of Suffering Without A Cure
You Ask For Whom She Weeps
You, Me, A Whole Nation of Congolese

The Weeping Lady of Kinshasa
Her Beautiful Face Tears Assailed
She Bows Her Head In Shame
And Hide Sobbing She Cannot Tame

Mother Congo She Has Waited Long
So Much She Treasures Has Long Gone
Her Remaining Children She Holds Dear
Never Again Shall They Live In Fear

Like Meandering Great River Congo
Around The Next Bend Is Pot of Gold
Like The Phoenix She Shall Rise Again
No More of Failures, Apportioning Blame

When Deeds Are Done And Calm Returned
Let There Be Built A New Monument
A Joyous Lady Leading By The Hands
Smiling Children To A Future Land

But Let Weeping Lady Remain Standing
Side By Side With Joyous Lady - Bonding
One Reminding of Era Dark And Forbidding
The Other A Future Bright And Promising

Yo, She Kept Her Faith In Her People
On Course She Stayed Their Keeper
Weeping Lady of Kinshasa
Generations Down They Shall Drum
She Symbolizes Our Struggle, Our Triumph

Don Too Heng Onn (born 1950) Malaysia
Source: 7th Rangers

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