
Sunday 27 November 2016

Right now, right now I would like to change - Hasso Krull

Right now, right now I would like to change
into something different. Can I? I don’t know. I
listen to the angry blizzard, a train rattles the things
on the table, then is gone. Did I change

just now? No. Probably not. I open
the window, snow falls in, this is
change, I drink a glass of orange juice
with grapefruit-seed extract

and my face goes red, mottled.
Was that change? I look in the mirror,
now I am really, entirely, another face.
Another person. I don’t want to be like this.

I would like to change. Immediately, now,
to change into something different. The storm goes
quiet. No cars on the roads. Did I
change? I don’t know. Probably not so much.

Hasso Krull (born 1964) Estonia
Translated by Brandon Lussier
Source: Poetry International

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