
Thursday 10 November 2016

I’ll never lend a book again no matter what - Eustache Deschamps

My books are now lent out in many a place
to people I was sure would have the grace
to give them back, but they’re long overdue.
I won’t consent to one more loan; I’m through
with lending chronicles, or songs, or lays
recording deeds of love, or honour’s praise;
I was needlessly deceived, I see,
and all my pain and labour gone from me.
And my unhappiness, God knows, has this upshot:
I’ll never lend a book again no matter what.

To stick to this idea I must be tough,
but I’ve put myself to trouble and toil enough
and if, in my modest way, what I produce
includes some things that prove to be of use,
I’m happy to give them all away for free
provided people are ready to come to me
and copy; I proclaim to all that they can not
assume henceforth that they, by demand or design,
can get a paper or any book of mine:
I’ll never lend a book again no matter what.

I’ve lost a lot, and this distresses me,
through borrowing, and so I must forbid
any and all to take from me as once they did,
which no one should protest as far as I can see.
No one will be excluded from this oath.
If someone wants my stuff I am not loath.
In fact, I’m happy to give access if he
does not take it outside; let him come to me,
unless he is a powerful lord, and see what I’ve got:
I’ll never lend a book again no matter what.

Prince! Eustache, whose head is his tender spot,
begs everyone remember from now on to not
keep any books of mine they may have got:
I’ll never lend a book again no matter what.

Eustache Deschamps (1338 - 1406) France
Translated by David Curzon and Jeffrey Fiskin
Source: Eustache Deschamps Selected Poems, Edited by Ian S.Laurie and Deborah M.Sinnreich-Levi, Routledge, 2003

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