
Sunday 25 September 2016

Dust we are return to it we must - Imam Ahmad Raza

Dust we are return to it we must
Adam, our ancestor, was created from dust

Reduce us to it in your search, God.
Dust is our medal from  our dear Lord.

That dust on which the Prophet set his feet
For us is better than a Heavenly seat.

The sky was hurt deeply by the deep irony
When the Earth said "Madinah is located on me"

The Prophet describe Ali as "dust's father"
Who is our wise guide and brave leader.

O seekers! Walk humbly in right earnest
Under this Earth is our Prophet's place of rest.

The Prophet's grave and the Ka'bah are made with dust
So respect it always everywhere we must.

Raza! In Allah's eyes we will have no worth,
If we do not love Madinah on this Earth.

Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Barelvi [Rahmatullahi Alaih or Ala'Hazrat] (1856 - 1921) India
Translated by Professor G.D. Qureshi
Source: Imam Ahmad Raza's Religious Poetry, Transited By Professor G.D. Qureshi, Vision Islamic Publications, 1996

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