
Thursday 2 June 2016

Poor Will’s in Ruthin Gaol - I.D. Hooson

Poor Will’s in Ruthin Gaol,
Dejected and depressed,
His net and gun are lying
Redundant in a chest;
Pheasant now car wander
The Squire’s lush estate,
And rabbits freely scamper
In fields from morn til late.

Poor Will’s in Ruthin Gaol,
His wife nor children care.
The only one exception
Is Flash the whippet there,
Who's like a faithful pilgrim
In search of peace and grace,
View of Ruthin Goal
Whose God is at a distance
And cannot see his face.

ln last night’s quiet woodland
The moon was under sail,
A saw eyes bright and beady
The flash of fluffy tail
I thought I heard some voices
Like rivers in that dell
All thanking their Creator
That Will's locked in a cell.

I.D. (Isaac Daniel) Hooson (1880 – 1948) Wales


  1. Thank you for this enjoyable post

  2. Learnt the poem in Welsh at school. Did the poacher Wil actually exist?


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