
Thursday 11 February 2016

Before the sun comes up - Katlego K Kol-Kes

Before the sun comes up:
When the eyes of those
who creep around in day, alight,
yet dance with tender
taps and bats.

Before the sun comes up:
When stillness captures your breath
as you birth it to the open air;
gently held still in time.

When the first and last,
the least and most,
the this and that of
our lived experiences are
equal and null.

Before it all begins
to sing the melancholic blues
of a wanton soul
pierced by the heat of
heavy footed rays, stomping
in a ritualised massacre;
a masquerade.

Before the tongues would wag
excitedly, building to
a crescendo. A rhythmic orgy
taking hold of ears and
minds that thirst for
more than swatting flies
and long-faced buck.

When sound is hollow
and echoless. When listening
is less than knowing;
knowing that to hear is not
to have heard.

When philosophies levitate like
barren aqueous bodies.

We’ll meet then…

Katlego K Kol-Kes [full name: Katlego Kai Kolanyane-Kesupile] (20th century) Botswana
Her website is here

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