
Thursday 17 December 2015

De Spectaculis.XXX (While a roused hind was flying) - Marcus Valerius Martialis

While a roused hind was flying
    from the swift Molossian hounds,
and tangled the drawn-out chase by divers wiles,
    before Caesar's feet,
suppliant and as in prayer, she stayed,
    and the hounds touched not their prey....
This boon she won
    for that she avowed her Prince!
Power divine hath Caesar:
    sacred, sacred is this puissance.
Believe it ye:
    beasts have not learned to lie.

Marcus Valerius Martialis (c. 40 - 104) Ancient Rome (Italy), born in Hispania (Spain)
Translated by Walter C. A Ker
Source: Martial epigrams, Volume 1, Translated by Walter C. A Ker, Heinemann, 1919-1920

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