
Sunday 8 November 2015

Gone with the wind - Marguerite de Navarre

If men offend you in some wise,
Bear the affront light-heartedly;
And, if with calumny and lies,
Let not our thoughts unceasing be.
     Much empty blathering
Prevails; and so, say what they may:
Gone with the wind are such as they.

It they would, rather, Faith discuss,
Claiming it worthless, far below
The ancient Law, insisting, thus,
You prize the latter, best forgo
     Such novel worshipping!
Leave them behind to have their say:
Gone with the wind are such as they.

If some there he who would destroy
Your Faith, praising your qualities
Of perfect beauty, who employ
Compliments and cajoleries,
     Flee from such flattering;
For they would lead your pride astray:
Gone with the wind are such as they.

If, with temptation’s words of gold,
Life promises to heap upon
Your head joys, honours, wealth untold,
Set not your heart's desires thereon:
     Since every worldly thing
Returns to its beginnings, yea,
Gone with the wind are such as they.

lf some deny that God alone
Can comfort you and make you whole—
The one source of salvation known—
Death would they deal unto your soul;
     Resist their reasoning:
However wise they seem, say “Nay!”
Gone with the wind are such as they.

Marguerite de Navarre (1492 - 1549) France
Translated by Norman R. Shapiro

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