
Sunday 11 October 2015

I follow a star - Seosamh mac Cathmhaoil

I follow a star
Burning deep in the blue,
A sign on the hills
Lit for me and for you!

Moon-red is the star,
Halo-winged like a rood,
Christ's heart in its heart set,
Streaming with blood.

Follow the gilly
Beyond to the west;
He leads where the Christ lies
On Mary's white breast.

King, priest, and prophet—
A child, and no more—
Adonai the Maker!
Come, let us adore.

Seosamh mac Cathmhaoil (Joseph Campbell) (1879 - 1944) Ireland
Translated by the author
Source: The Poem-book of the Gael, Translations from Irish Gaelic Poetry into
English Prose and Verse, Selected and edited by Eleanor Hull, Chatto & Windus, 1913

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