
Tuesday 6 October 2015

De Spectaculis.I (Let not barbaric Memphis) - Marcus Valerius Martialis

Let not barbaric Memphis tell of the wonder of
her Pyramids, nor Assyrian toil vaunt its Babylon;
let not the soft Ionians be extolled for Trivia's
fane; let the altar wrought of many horns keep
hid its Delos; let not Carians exalt to the skies with
boundless praise the Mausoleum poised on empty
air. All labour yields to Caesar's Amphitheatre:
one work in place of all shall Fame rehearse.

Marcus Valerius Martialis (c. 40 - 104) Ancient Rome (Italy), born in Hispania (Spain)
Translated by Walter C. A Ker
Source: Martial epigrams, Volume 1, Translated by Walter C. A Ker, Heinemann, 1919-1920

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