
Monday 13 April 2015

I saw my country’s walls - Francisco de Quevedo

I saw my country’s walls.
If at one time
they were strong,
now they have
collapsed, exhausted
by the course
of the age.
               They are decrepit now
their courage gone.

I went out to the country,
saw the Sun
               drink the stream
relinquished by the ice,
And saw cattle
on the mountain
               that with shadow
robbed the day of light.

I went into my house,
saw that my room,
               so ancient,
was defaced,
was debris,
my staff more bent,
               less strong.

Defeated by the age,
I touched my sword
               and found nothing
my eyes could
fall upon
that was not
               a memory of death.

Francisco de Quevedo (1580 - 1645) Spain
Translated from the Spanish by Brandon Holmquest

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