
Tuesday 17 February 2015

Summer Evening at Sirmione - George Gömöri

Already past the lovelier half of life
but on my way towards distant Ithaca,
we stopped at Lake Garda, and only
at twilight reached Sirmione's tiny,
main square from which the tomb of Catullus
was just a short walk. Finding the garden
locked, we sat by the still shore of the lake.
The boys were bouncing stones across the water
while step by step the moon climbed up
the violet sky. The air was lukewarm
and I closed my eyes, counting the splashes
of small waves against the long shore. Sweet music
drifted our way from the restaurant
— I did not think about Ithaca, held as I was
in the moment, in the arms of summer.
Then a cool wind tore into the night
and we started out toward Desenzano.

"If you set out on your way to Ithaca, you should always choose the longest way"  (Cavafy)
George Gömöri (20th century) Hungary
Translated by Mari Gömöri, Jamie McKendrick and George Gömöri

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