
Tuesday 10 February 2015

Scarlet light of sunset - Sergei Esenin

Scarlet light of sunset shows up on the lake.
Grouse are crying in the wood, awake.

Hidden in hollow, cries an oriole.
I don't feel like crying, brightness in my soul.

You'll come out to meet me later in the day,
We'll sit down there under stacks of hay.

I will kiss and squeeze you, like an ardent boy!
One can't blame a man for being drunk with joy.

You will chuck your kerchief as I hold you tight,
I will keep you, tipsy, in the bush all night.

Let the birds keep crying as we neck and bask.
There's a happy yearning in the purple dusk.

Sergei Esenin (Yesenin) (1895 - 1925) Russia
Translated by Alec Vagapov

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