
Friday 21 November 2014

I do believe in happiness! - Sergei Esenin

I do believe in happiness!
The sun has not yet faded. Rays
Of sunrise like a book of  prayers
Predict the happy news. Oh yes!
I do believe in happiness!

Ring , golden Russia, carry on,
Oh blow you wind, so unabated!
Blessed is the one who celebrated
Your shepherd"s sadness, hope forlorn.
Ring, golden Russia, carry on!

I love the wild impetuous streams,
The shine of stars upon the water.
The blessed dejection, crying quarter,
The blessing people and extremes
Of roaring wild impetuous streams.

Sergei Esenin (Yesenin) (1895 - 1925) Russia
Translated by Alec Vagapov

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