
Sunday 9 November 2014

A Letter To God - Lesego Setou

Dear God
How do you answer prayers?
How do you decide on the urgency of a prayer from another?
How do you decide when a prayer requires patience for its deliverance?
Teach me how to understand and serve you
Teach me how to focus on the greater good
Guide me to appreciate blessings disguised as disappointments
Enlighten me to the divinity of challenges
Allow me to seek, find and radiate my purpose
Guide me in ambassadoring you

How do you keep the spirit soft
How do you fertilise the spirit with humility so it can bear fruits of your word
How do I better connect with you?
How do I gain understanding of you?
Deliver my mind from the noise
Free me from the attachment of that which you have blessed me with
Teach me to serve and be
Teach me obedience and gratitude

Allow my heart to love
Firm me with faith
Wealth me with forgiveness
Give me eyes that see abundance and essence
Give me lips that speak unity
Ears that understand
Legs that walk in search of my purpose
Hands that can be lifted up in praise
Give me an appetite of fullness
That I may never miss out on the abundance that already is in my life
May I always see your omnipresence in my every breath

Lesego Setou (20th century) South Africa

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