
Wednesday 22 October 2014

There is a charming land - Adam Gottlob Oehlenschläger

There is a charming land
Where grow the wide-armed beeches
By the salt eastern Strand.
Old Denmark, so we call
These rolling hills and valleys,
And this is Freia's Hall.

Here sat in days of yore
The warriors in armour,
Well rested from the war.
They scattered all their foes,
And now beneath great barrows
Their weary bones repose.

The land is lovely still,
With blue engirdling ocean
And verdant vale and hill.
Fair women, comely maids,
Strong men and lads are dwelling
In Denmark's island glades.

Adam Gottlob Oehlenschläger (1779 - 1850) Denmark
Translator not stated
Source: All Poetry
(This is the Danish National Anthem)

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