
Tuesday 14 October 2014

One word song - Vinay Benjamin

"Papa?" she sang over the lines,
Tremulous with expectation,
A word summoned all tenderness,
Time, the knave, bowed in salutation.

That enchanting moment was spell binding,
Flushing me with tenderness,
Reversed kaleidoscope of years brought back,
An intact image, vibrantly, real.

Perched on my shoulder, as a toddler,
She’d crooned, an ecstatic bird,
Hummed in my ear, tunes of love,
That intense joy helped her conserve.

A young woman now, she's retained,
The magical timbre of this unique address,
An endearment, ever so softly expressed,
Few words reverberate with such depth.

If a papa of this world is deeply moved,
On hearing his beloved child,
Far greater is the papa of universes moved,
When men call, " abba, " with earnest voice.

Songs need not rely on lyrics,
Or musical scores to truly delight,
For soothing consolation to be felt,
A one word song can more than suffice!

Vinay Benjamin (20th century) Bahrain (born: India)

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