
Saturday 9 August 2014

She that would gain a faithful lover - Anon

She that would gain a faithful lover
Must at a distance keep the slave;
Not by a look her heart discover,
Men should but guess the thoughts we have.
Whilst they're in doubt their flame increases,
And all attendance they will pay;
When once confess'd their ardour ceases,
And vows like smoke soon fly away.

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
by Rosetta’s OSIRIS narrow-angle camera
on 3 August from a distance of 285 km
Then, fond Aurelia, cease complaining,
All thy reproaches useless prove;
Beauties may conquer whilst disdaining,
But lose their value when they love.
So when a comet does appear,
Men do with trembling view the blaze;
The sun too common none does fear,
Nor on his beams with wonder gaze.

Anon (Lady E.M.) (17th century or earlier)
Set to music by Henry Purcell - Z. 414, published 1695

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