
Sunday 1 June 2014

Creator of the Earth and Sky - Ambrose of Milan (Augusta Treverorum)

Creator of the earth and sky,
Ruling the firmament on high,
Clothing the day with robes of light,
Blessing with gracious sleep the night.

That rest may comfort weary men,
And brace to useful toil again,
And soothe awhile the harassed mind,
And sorrow's heavy load unbind.

Day sinks; we thank Thee for Thy gift;
Night comes; and once again we lift
Our prayer and vows and hymns that we
Against all ills may shielded be.

Thee let the secret heart acclaim,
Thee let our tuneful voices name,
Round Thee our chaste affections cling
Thee sober reason own as King.

That when black darkness closes day,
And shadows thicken round our way,
Faith may no darkness know, and night
From faith’s clear beam may borrow light.

Rest not, my heaven born mind and will;
Rest, all the thoughts and deeds of ill;
May faith its watch unwearied keep,
And cool the dreaming warmth of sleep.

From cheats of sense, Lord, keep me free;
And let my heart’s depth dream of Thee;
Let not my envious foe draw near,
To break my rest with any fear.

Pray we the Father and the Son,
And Holy Ghost: O Three in One,
Blest Trinity, Whom all obey,
Guard Thou Thy sheep by night and day.

Augusta Treverorum (St. Ambrose of Milan) (339 - 397) Germany (Gaul)

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