
Sunday 30 March 2014

Ah, When He Is Mine - Novalis

Ah, when He is mine,
When I hold Him fast,
When His loyalty divine
Fills my heart unto the last—
I feel no distress,
Only worship, love and happiness.

Ah, when He is mine,
Gladly I leave all,
Rise and wander at His sign,
Faithful to my Master’s call.
Let the others go
On the broad and lighted roads they know.

Ah, when He is mine,
I can sleep in calm,
Ever cheering me like wine
Is His heart’s sweet healing balm,
Holding us in thrall,
Gently soothing, penetrating all.

Ah, when He is mine,
Then the world’s mine, too;
As a seraph at her shrine
Holds the Virgin’s veil of blue—
Blissful, I adore,
Earthly things can frighten me no more.

Ah, where He is mine,
Is my fatherland;
Like my share, each gift divine
Gently falls into my hand.
Friends who went astray
Now I find disciples on His way.

Novalis (Pseudonymn for Friedrich von Hardenberg) (1772 – 1801)
Translated by Margarete Münsterberg

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