
Wednesday 19 March 2014

A Mountain Song - Kazi Nazrul Islam

We are wild as the storm
We are restless as the spring
We are fearless like god and generous like nature.

We are as free as the sky
We are Bedouin, the desert's wandering tribe.
We know no king
nor any king's laws,
We submit to no rule or regulation,
We are born free with mind
open as the blossoming lotus.
We are the murmuring flood tide of the sea
and the warbling waters of the mountain spring.

We are generous-hearted wide open meadows...
We are mighty invincible hills
We are flying birds with outstretched wings
We are bubbling laughter and gay songs.

We eat wild fruits and drink rain water
We sleep under trees in the depth of green forests
We are the gushing river of life.
We are the flowing waters of mountain brooks
warbling singing roaring
always restless and ever on the move.

Kazi Nazrul Islam (1899 - 1976) (born in India) Bangladesh
Translated by Kabir Chowdhury
Source: কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম (Kazi Nazrul Islam)

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