
Sunday 10 November 2013

God and Galaxies (poem for Remembrance Day) - Bruce Levitan

God knows; is who knows why
Life spirals like galaxies
Faintly glimmering in the sky.
He alone is the One who sees
Our bright paths on the starry gauze.
He was there in all the wars
Waiting for us to understand the cause.

The warp of our lives
Stretches across time,
Weaving into starry drives,
Tuning your fate and mine.
We shuttle across time and space
Scuttling in an endless seeming race
Like rats in a laboratory maze.

No wonder we wander
Aimlessly, without direction!
Did the Big Bang squander
All its energy for human delectation?
Hoping, but helpless, we
Must try to help the hopeless to see
The power of unity in Three.

Bruce Levitan (born 1955) England (born Kenya)

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