
Thursday 26 September 2013

Autumn scenes - Balys Sruoga

We went walking in the morning just before the sun was rising.
Sad the orchard, sad our thoughts were, sad too was the autumn morning.
Pining spruce and motley lindens, as if frozen stiff, were dying.
We went walking in the morning just before the sun was rising.
Hand: in vain a hand was seeking, hearts were deaf, not sympathising.
Vainly was a heart's fire kindled - that day there was no sun rising.
Sad the orchard, sad our thoughts were, sad too was the autumn morning.

You were scared of the leaves' voices, of the sound of leaves in autumn.
I was freightened of your glances, like an arrow hard and icy.
Though we both at heart were wishing for one endless dream enthralling,
We were sadly weeping, feeling our fond wishes intertwining.
You, scared by the sound of leaves, the final sound of leaves in autumn,
Plucked a flower from my garden, underfoot you trod it wildly.
Witnessing how hard and withering, like an arrow sharp, your gaze was,
Like an ear of corn I trembled, corn a random sickle grazes.

Balys Sruoga (1896 - 1947) Lithuania
Translated by Peter Tempest

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