
Saturday 31 August 2013

The Answer - George Remington

And if the rich and poor should meet
I trust they will each other greet,
And rich and poor and young and old
Together screen them from the cold:

And as the windows are not glass'd
We'll mind to leave the shutters fast,
The "fIight of steps requireth care"
Then why not have a hand rail there;
That feeble old and timid fair
May mount and view the prospect rare:

The blue and lofty mountain sides
The noble bay and stealthy tides,
That treach'rous creep along the sand
Or loudly dash upon the strand

Yon gaily rigged trim pleasure boat
Upon the glittering waves afloat
Then (turning to the West) is seen
Dear Cartmel’s peaceful valley green
Mid waving woods and verdant lands
The fine old church of Cartmel stands

Within whose walls in days of yore
His priestly rule the prior bore.
Then may the lengthened chain around
Keep only cattle from the ground

For no good man would think it pleasure
To climb the fell to spoil your treasure
Your offer  in kindly spirit
I hope you'll find our conduct merit:
Cartmel 1846

George Remington (19th century) England
Vicar of Cartmel, 1835-1854

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