
Monday 6 May 2013

Arrival of the Emperor - Osmer Eder Balam

I know how much you wish to see me fall;
That in my life’s biography, death overshadows my feet
But speak not ill words that poison the wind
For you waste your energy, my author of deceit.

The cursed fate you write about will be nothing
But fluorescent radiance in my hopeful eyes
And for my savage heart – failure, impossibility, fear –
Will forever be my destiny’s only three lies.

And if humble death may someday secretly decide
To descend and rest in the bed where I sleep,
I will tell him to stop being a presumptuous friend -
That my esteemed sociability is not for him to keep.

And every minute of my life I will remove the stones
That might make my great chariot stumble.
Finally, in that glorious day, I will reappear;
Every one will know it – and all of Persia will rumble!

Osmer Eder Balam (born 1981) Belize

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