
Monday 29 April 2013

Wild Rose - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Once a lad a rose did spy,
On the moorland growing,
Young and lovely to the eye;
Fast he ran to see it nigh,
Ran with pleasure glowing.
Red rose, red rose, red rose red,
On the moorland growing.

Spake the lad: “I’ll pick thee now,
Rose on moorland growing!”
Spake the rose: “I’ll prick thee now:
Thou wilt think of me, I trow!—
Go, wild boy, be going!”

But the boy so wild and bad
Broke the red rose glowing;
Rose in anger pricked the lad,
Rose must suffer him, though sad
And her fury showing.
Red rose, red rose, red rose red,
Rose on moorland growing!

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832) Germany
Translated by Margarete Münsterberg

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