
Friday 22 March 2013

They've Come - Alfonsina Storni

Today my mother and sisters
came to see me.

I had been alone a long time
with my poems, my pride . . . almost nothing.

My sister—the oldest—is grown up,
is blondish. An elemental dream
goes through her eyes: I told the youngest
"Life is sweet. Everything bad comes to an end."

My mother smiled as those who understand souls
tend to do;
She placed two hands on my shoulders.
She's staring at me ...
and tears spring from my eyes.

We ate together in the warmest room
of the house.
Spring sky ... to see it
all the windows were opened.

And while we talked together quietly
of so much that is old and forgotten,
My sister—the youngest—interrupts:
"The swallows are flying by us."

Alfonsina Storni (1892 - 1938) Argentina (born Switzerland)
Translator not stated
Source: English Poetry

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