
Monday 10 December 2012

A Shell - Rubén Darío

I found upon the shore a golden shell,
Massive, and with the daintiest pearls embossed;
Europa touched it with her hands divine
When on the heavenly bull the sea she crossed.
I lifted to my lips the sounding shell,
And woke the morning drum-beats of the sea;
I held it to mine ear, the azure mines
Of hidden treasure murmured low to me.
Thus comes to me the salt of those keen gales
The Argo felt within her swelling sails
When Jason's dream the stars of heaven loved well;
An unknown voice 'mid wave-sounds there I find,
A deep sea-swell and a mysterious wind.
(Shaped like a heart it is, that sounding shell).
Rubén Darío (1867 - 1916) Nicaragua

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