
Tuesday 27 November 2012

Beauty And Toil - Josh Malihabadi

There she sweats on the road, a beauteous, restless lass,
In scorching sun she breaks the stones, her bangles clink and clash.

what pain is it so strangely mingling with the music,
At each stroke drops of tears trickle down her eyes.

Dust-splattered are her cheeks, her locks embroiled in dust,
Her deep depressed eyes a tender grace reflect.

The blood-red sun sucks her blood without a touch of ruth,
Each heavey hammer stroke tells upon her budding youth.

In the sun her fragrant locks are flying about adrift,
Her limber self is getting wrecked amid the stones and bricks.

Ruddy rays of the sun are drinking undefied,
nectar of narcissus' eyes, the wine of frangipani cheeks.

Clouds of sorrow heavily hang o'er her tender heart,
Are these her cheeks, or roses two which are fading fast?

Through her tatters can be glimpsed her youthful shape, sorrow-gripped,
Like the moon that wanders through bits of drifting clouds.

Josh Malihabadi (1894 - 1982) India
born: Shabbir Hasan Khan

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