
Tuesday 23 October 2012

Rose of roses and flower of flowers - Alfonso X El Sabio

Rose of beauty and fine appearance
And flower of happiness and pleasure,
lady of most merciful bearing,
And Lord for relieving all woes and cares;
Rose of roses and flower of flowers,
Lady of ladies, Lord of lords.

Such a Mistress everybody should love,
For she can ward away any evil
And she can pardon any sinner
To create a better savor in this world.
Rose of roses and flower of flowers,
Lady of ladies, Lord of lords.

We should love and serve her loyally,
For she can guard us from falling;
She makes us repent the errors
That we have committed as sinners:
Rose of roses and flower of flowers
Lady of ladies, Lord of lords.

This lady whom I acknowledge as my Master
And whose troubadour I'd gladly be,
If I could in any way possess her love,
I'd give up all my other lovers.
Rose of roses and flower of flowers,
Lady of ladies, Lord of lords.

Alfonso X El Sabio (1221 - 1284) Spain

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