
Friday 19 October 2012

Explosion - Delmira Agustini

If life were love, how blessed it would be!
I want more life so to love! Now I feel
A thousand years of ideas are not worth
One blue minute of sentiment.

My heart was dying slowly, sadly…
Now it opens like a Phoebean flower:
Life rushes forth like a turbulent sea
Whipped by the hand of love.

My sorrow flies into the night, sad, cold
With its broken wings;
Like an old scar that continues to ache–

In the distant shade it dissolves…
All my life sings, kisses, laughs!
All my life is a flowering mouth!

Delmira Agustini [Pen name JouJou] (1886 - 1914) Uruguay
Translated by Valerie Martinez

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