
Tuesday 28 August 2012

Prayer and Blessing - Anon

With wonder struck the hero views
The Lord of hosts in ashes smeared ;
He views the crescent in his locks,
And bows before the God revered !
His arrows and his mighty bow
Appear once more before his sight !
Himself he finds in armour clad,
And in its case the falchion bright I
Clouds pour forth a gentle rain,
Skies send heavenly blossoms fair,
And a gentle heavenly music
Floats upon the fragrant air !
And the gods by Indra bidden
Gather in their realm on his^h,
And their chariots gem-bespangled
Are like bright stars in the sky !
Heavenly swans with tinkling bells.
Attendants on the gods on hi«rh.
With their softly waving plumage
Gently sail across the sky !
His purpose done, his wish obtained,
Low, low, his forehead Arjun laid,
And unto the God of gods
Thus in humble accents prayed.

Anonymous, (c. 1200) India
Translated by Romesh Chunder Dutt

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