
Monday 23 July 2012

Spiders - Christy Birmingham

Spider Legs

My fingers move across the keyboard like spider legs,

Reaching, extending their tips for the next prey of words,


Devouring adjectives, nouns, and grammar,

Rules to obey and webs to spin.

Spell check moves like the spider’s front legs,

Backspace and delete are friends and enemies,

My mind is full of cobwebs rather than the silk variety.

Open browser and then Windows 7,

Spray Windex and wipe,

The words are flowing and spinning silky connections now,

Almost time to publish,

One writer’s world

Amidst an online display of spiders and prey.

Christy Birmingham (20th century) Canada
This and many other poems are available on Christy's poetry blog Poetry Parfait.


  1. Thank-you Bruce for sharing my poem here! So kind of you. I will be sharing this post as well. Much appreciated.

  2. Love the imagery. Understand all too well the cobwebs in my mind!


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