
Sunday 15 July 2012

Cloak of Laughter - Abigail Cresson

I wear a cloak of laughter
Lest anyone should see
My dress of sorrow underneath
And stop to pity me.

I wear a cloak of laughter
Lest anyone should guess
That what is hid beneath it
Is less then happiness...

But, ah, what does it matter
To you who are so wise?
My cloak falls tattered at my feet
Before your tender eyes.

For cloaks to cover sorrow
Are meant for stranger-folk
One cannot hide away from friends
Beneath a laughing cloak.

Oh, futile cloak of laughter
How frail you are, and thin!
Love looks through you so easily
And sees the grief within.

Abigail Cresson (20th century)

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