
Sunday 20 May 2012

Table manners for children - Anomymous

In silence I must take my seat,
And give God thanks before I eat;
Must for my food in patience wait,
Till I am asked to hand my plate.
I must not scold, nor whine, nor pout,
Nor move my chair or plate about;
With knife or fork or napkin ring
I must not play; nor must I sing.

I must not speak a useless word--
For children must be seen--not heard;
I must not talk about my food,
Nor fret if I don't think it good.

My mouth with food I must not crowd,
Nor while I'm eating speak aloud;
Must turn my head to cough or sneeze,
And when I ask, say "If you please."

The table cloth I must not spoil,
Nor with my food my fingers soil;
Must keep my seat when I am done,
Nor round the table sport or run.

When told to rise, then I must put
My chair away with quiet foot,
And hit my heart to God above
In praise for all His wondrous love.

Taken from a Victorian(?) poster in a display at the National Trust Museum of Childhood, Sudbury Hall, Derbyshire

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