
Saturday 31 March 2012

Farewell To Arras - Adam De La Halle

Arras! Arras! town full of strife,
With calumnies and hatred rife;
You were a noble town of yore;
Your fame, 'tis said, they will restore.
But unless God your manners mend,
I see not who'll effect this end;
Gambling is all that you pursue,
So, fifty thousand times adieu.

Elsewhere the gospel I shall find;
I leave your lying tongues behind.
Love, and glad life, I bid farewell,
Where do such mirth and pleasure dwell,
As save in Paradise unknown
To me you have some profit done;

In studying once you made me slack,
But now 'tis you that bring me back,
'Tis you that make me now desire
Honour to gain, renown acquire;
For rude and empty was my mind,
Discourteous, base, and unrefined.

My tender friend, much loved and dear,
I feel and show but little cheer;
Deeply on your account I grieve,
Whom I am forced behind to leave.
You will be treasurer of my heart,
Although my body must depart
Learning and science to attain,
And be more worth, so you shall gain.

Adam De La Halle (1250 - 1306) France

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