
Wednesday 2 November 2011

The Enchantment - Thomas Otway

I did but look and love awhile,
    ’Twas but for one half-hour;
Then to resist I had no will,
    And now I have no power.

To sigh and wish is all my ease;
    Sighs which do heat impart
Enough to melt the coldest ice,
    Yet cannot warm your heart.

O would your pity give my heart
    One corner of your breast,
’Twould learn of yours the winning art,
    And quickly steal the rest.

Thomas Otway (1652 — 1685) England


  1. I love his love letters...trying to find his poems. Only one I found. Does anyone know anymore Poems he has written pls...Jo

  2. There is quite a lot on the Internet Archive. Especially volume 3 of his Life and Works which inlcudes his poetry (go to page 276):

    happy reading
    :-) Bruce


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