
Friday 12 August 2011

Father's Song - Gregory Orr

Yesterday, against admonishment,
my daughter balanced on the couch back,
fell and cut her mouth.

Because I saw it happen I knew
she was not hurt, and yet
a child's blood so red
it stops a father's heart.

My daughter cried her tears;
I held some ice
against her lip.
That was the end of it.

Round and round: bow and kiss.
I try to teach her caution;
she tries to teach me risk.
Gregory Orr (born 1947) USA


  1. Father's Song
    - Gregory Orr

    Yesterday, against admonishment,
    my daughter balanced on the couch back,
    fell and cut her mouth.

    Because I saw it happen I knew
    she was not hurt, and yet
    a child's blood so red
    it stops a father's heart.

    My daughter cried her tears;
    I held some ice
    against her lip.
    That was the end of it.

    Round and round: bow and kiss.
    I try to teach her caution;
    she tries to teach me risk.
    Gregory Orr (born 1947) USA

    جريجوري أور
    شاعر امريكي معاصر
    أنشودة الأب
    حسن حجازي

    بالأمس ،
    رغم الدهشة والحذر ،
    أرتقت ابنتي ظهر المقعدِ الوثيرْ ،
    فوقعت وجرحت فمها .
    ولأني رأيتُ ما حدث
    كنتُ أعلمُ أنها
    لم تصب بأي أذىَ ،
    إلا أنَ لونَ الدم القاني
    أوقفَ قلبي الحاني
    استصرخت طفلتي
    فيَّ الدموع ؛
    فوضعتُ بعضَ الثلج
    على شفتيها
    وعندها كانت النهاية .
    تدور حولي وتدور ؛
    انحناءة فقبلة فبسمة
    حاولتُ أن أعلمها الحذر ؛
    وحاولت هي أن
    تعلمني المجازفة !

    Translated By
    Hassan Hegazy

  2. Hassan - thanks for taking the trouble to translate this great poem into Arabic!


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