
Monday 1 August 2011

As Far As My Eye Can See In My Body’s Senses - Paul Éluard

All the trees all their branches all of their leaves
The grass at the foot of the rocks and the houses en masse
Far off the sea that your eye bathes
These images of day after day
The vices the virtues so imperfect
The transparency of men passing among them by chance
And passing women breathed by your elegant obstinacies
Your obsessions in a heart of lead on virgin lips
The vices the virtues so imperfect
The likeness of looks of permission with eyes you conquer
The confusion of bodies wearinesses ardours
The imitation of words attitudes ideas
The vices the virtues so imperfect

Love is man incomplete

Paul Éluard (1895 – 1952) France
Translated by A. S. Kline
Source: Poets of Modernity Translations into English by A. S. Kline

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