
Wednesday 27 July 2011

Be Near Me - Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Be near me now,
My tormenter, my love, be near me—
At this hour when night comes down,
When, having drunk from the gash of sunset, darkness comes
With the balm of musk in its hands, its diamond lancets,
When it comes with cries of lamentation,
                                               with laughter with songs;
Its blue-gray anklets of pain clinking with every step.
At this hour when hearts, deep in their hiding places,
Have begun to hope once more, when they start their vigil
For hands still enfolded in sleeves;
When wine being poured makes the sound
                                              of inconsolable children
                    who, though you try with all your heart,
                                              cannot be soothed.
When whatever you want to do cannot be done,
When nothing is of any use;
—At this hour when night comes down,
When night comes, dragging its long face,
                                               dressed in mourning,
Be with me,
My tormenter, my love, be near me.

translated by Naomi Lazard
Faiz Ahmad Faiz (1911 – 1984) Pakistan

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